Super mario bros world 1-2 map
Super mario bros world 1-2 map

super mario bros world 1-2 map

IGN recommends the ALT-fire for the Contact Beam as a back-up to the Ripper. You need to kill a lot of enemies quickly. Prepare for the large lift fight by bringing Contact Beam ammo or the Javelin Gun/Line Gun (either works). Head for the hall leading to the lift room.

super mario bros world 1-2 map

Afterwards, some more necromorphs appear in the large mining room (you can save at the save/store from where you began this chapter - use the guideline to locate a store). If you ever want to see what a 12-inch Craftsman™ screwdriver does to soft tissue, check out the QTE. Don't forget to open the node-lock the first time - you need that Advance Suit for the final few stages. Get ready to spam the action button and you will do fine. Once you locate the node-locked door, you will be near a quick time event (QTE) where failing means death. Schematic - Advance Suit plans in the node-locked room. It will save you a lot of ammunition though. Use their seeds if you manage to capture one, but that's not always an issue. Hack the door and head into the wrecked mining tunnel. Any way you do it, head through the door. Work your way down - you may have a safer spot to attack enemies from the dead-end rooms at the bottom than the top. Stake them (the stakes are at the bottom of the ramp), or use Detonator mines and stasis/plasma. The ramp room features babies, stalkers, and Slashers. Considering Large Medkits cost 10,000 credits, this exploit costs considerably less.

super mario bros world 1-2 map

Your life will now reflect your new HP maximum.

super mario bros world 1-2 map

Re-enter the workbench a second time and re-weld all the nodes you had before. The trick is to upgrade your RIG twice: after re-speccing your RIG, you weld one node to the first HP spot and exit the workbench (you can also weld no nodes and exit). You can use the Re-Spec exploit to refill your life if you are so inclined. A workbench is here next to the save station.

Super mario bros world 1-2 map